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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Al Jazeera America covers SRLP healthcare campaign

Since SRLP launched our campaign for safe and affordable healthcare in New York nearly 2,000 people have signed the petition calling on Governor Cuomo and NYS Health Com. Shah to repeal Medicaid’s discriminatory regulation that prevents trans and gender non conforming people from accessing healthcare.  Thank you for your support! This past week Al Jazeera America interviewed […]

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Trans Day of Remembrance #TDOR at The Miss Major-Jay Toole Building for Social Justice

Join Transjustice and the The Miss Major – Jay Toole Building for Social Justice as we come together to create a space for healing, grieving, and celebrating the resiliency of our Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color communities Wednesday, November 20th, in honor of Trans Day of Remembrance. This year we will have an art space, […]

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PAC Members show support for Chelsea Manning

For background, in 2010 the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks published classified U.S. Army intelligence files determined to have been supplied by former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. Following her arrest, Manning plead guilty to leaking military information and was convicted of twenty-two related offenses. This debacle, along with her recent coming out as a transgender […]

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Reflections on new GID policy, from PAC

“A Win For Transgender Prisoners,” by R. Cepeda. There has been a recent victory for transgender prisoners in the New York State Prison system regarding hormone treatment for those with GID (Gender Identity Disorder). In the past, transgender prisoners could not get hormones unless they could prove that they were getting treatment from a doctor […]

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New GID Policy for NYS Prisons, Yet Healthcare Still Inaccessible

At the end of last month, The Private Manning Support Network posted a letter that details Ms. Chelsea Manning’s intentions to fight for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), gender-consistent “real life experience” (RLE) and “sex-reassignment surgery” (SRS) within the correctional facility she will be serving her thirty-five year sentence, the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort […]

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Introducing the Prisoner Advisory Committee Blog!

The Sylvia Rivera Law Project’s collective model prioritizes the voices of the people most affected by the systems of violence and oppression we fight daily. This model of community involvement led to the creation of our Prisoner Advisory Committee (PAC); a committee of trans, intersex, gender non-conforming people and allies who are currently incarcerated in […]

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SRLP’s Reina Gossett talks to ABC News about queer identity, Sylvia Rivera

SRLP Membership Director Reina Gossett spoke to ABC News about why she identifies as queer. Reina Gossett, a 30-year-old transgender woman who identifies as “queer,” said the term is “political” and has a “legacy of resistance.” “There is a long history of people who identified on the margins of culture,” she said. “It’s about naming […]

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