SRLP offers trainings and other presentations to schools, community organizations, government agencies, attorneys and legal service providers, law schools, and occasionally other institutions at a sliding scale rate. Some of our most popular trainings are described below. All workshops below are conducted by SRLP staff or members of the SRLP collective.
If you would like to arrange a speaker from SRLP, please send your request to us at least 45 days before the date of the event. We appreciate your interest and will get back to you as soon as we can, usually within two weeks of your request.
Please fill out the SRLP Speaking Request Form and email to to set up a training or speaking engagement at your school, organization, or community group!
Check out SRLP’s upcoming events and speaking appearances.
Trainings for Service Providers
Transgender Awareness for Service Providers

SRLP staff present a training
This training assists service providers with making services more welcoming and accessible to people struggling with gender identity discrimination, and helps providers to spot issues related to gender identity in their cases and deal with them appropriately. Trainees will be introduced to basic terms and concepts related to gender identity and transgender communities and learn how to use terms respectfully. Through interactive exercises, trainees examine how gender identity discrimination operates in our society, and then examine how this discrimination affects the ability of gender transgressive people to access social, medical, and legal services. Finally, the group discusses strategies for addressing gender identity discrimination through their work and providing exceptional services to communities in crisis because of gender identity discrimination. SRLP has trained over 2,500 service providers specializing in domestic violence, homelessness services, education, criminal defense, juvenile rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, and poverty law.
Name Change and ID Training for Service Providers

Members of SRLP’s Prisoner Justice Project joined the other trainers and some participants for a photo after a training with the Parole Preparation Project on how to support incarcerated people experiencing violence on the inside.
Helping transgender clients change name and gender on identity documents and with government agencies can make a huge difference in their lives, allowing them to access healthcare, employment, housing, and education with less likelihood of discrimination. SRLP has assisted hundreds of clients with these issues and is happy to share our experience with others interested in providing these services. This skills-building training provides practical information about the legal name change process, common complications, and the standards for gender change with a variety of agencies, including Medicaid, DMV, Social Security, city and state departments of vital statistics, passports, and immigration. Materials include up-to-date model forms, copies of relevant laws and policies, and resources – everything your agency needs to know to begin or improve services in this area.
Community Know Your Rights Trainings
Police Interaction
These trainings provide tips for trans people dealing with the cops. Police harassment is a daily reality for many people in our communities. This training explains simple ways to protect your rights when a police officer stops you on the street, questions you in a public restroom, or knocks on the door of your apartment. There is also time for participants in the training to share their own thoughts on what has and hasn’t worked well for them when dealing with the police.

SRLP conducting a workshop on trans health care and housing rights.
These trainings can answer questions like: What can I do if a doctor won’t treat me because I’m trans? Will Medicaid cover my hormone therapy? Do I have a right to see medical records about my intersex condition? What can I do if I’m kept in a psychiatric hospital against my will? If I’m under 18, can a doctor give me hormones without my parents knowing? Is it okay for SRS surgeons to refuse to operate on me because I’m HIV positive? How can I make sure my partner will get to make health care decisions for me instead of biological family if I’m ever too sick to make those decisions for myself?
These trainings provide a basic overview of the rights of trans and gender non-conforming immigrants, including asylum claims, marriage-based petitions, problems to watch out for with criminal convictions, and how to get the right gender markers on your immigration documents.
Prisoner Know Your Rights Trainings
These trainings help people learn the rights of trans, intersex, and gender non-conforming people in prisons, jails, and police lock-ups. The training focuses on access to healthcare, including hormone treatment, and safety, but also gives a broad overview of other important rights. It provides practical tips for people to use if they get locked up or if they have a friend or loved one behind bars in need of support.
Name Change and ID
These trainings go over how to get a legal name change in New York step by step, including special issues for immigrants and people with criminal convictions. It also explains the process for changing gender on different types of ID, including driver’s licenses, state IDs, passports, birth certificates, social security records, and immigration documents. Special attention is given to changing name and gender on public benefits/Medicaid cards.