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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

SRLP director of immigrant justice Pooja Gehi presenting at ‘Echoes of Ghadar’ Conference!

  Organized by South Asia Solidarity Initiative (SASI), the Echoes of Ghadar convergence aims to revive the often forgotten history of the Ghadar movement, through: a celebration of music, films, and conversations among grassroots activists from South Asia and the U.S.. These activities will provide grassroots activists with a unique opportunity to learn from the history of […]

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SRLP’s Elana Redfield presents for first ever Judicial Institute training on transgender litigants

Today SRLP’s staff attorney Elana Redflied presented with Judge Moulton and retired Judge Hepner about providing affirming legal services in the courts.  Elana’s presentation was the first of a three part program to educate judges, court officers, and attorneys about transgender and gender non conforming people in the judicial system. Day two of the Judicial […]

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Next Week! SRLP Staff Attorney Elana Redfield & Gabriel Foster at Trans Out Loud!

Next week Callen-Lorde’s Transgender Community Advisory Board will host an expert panel about accessing and negotiating health insurance as transgender and gender non-conforming identified people on October 16th, from 7-9pm at the Judson Memorial Church. SRLP’s own Elana Redfield will present healthcare and the impact of insurance on trans and gender non conforming communities!  And […]

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