On May 12th, advocates from SRLP attended the monthly meeting of the Board of Correction – the body charged with monitoring all city correctional facilities – and spoke in favor of the Board adopting Rules enforcing compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act for the city jails. SRLP went further than the PREA standards and […]
Archive | News
HRA Now Issuing Common Benefit Identification Cards WITHOUT gender marker!!
Most New Yorkers will know CBIC’s (pictured below) as their benefits or food stamps cards. The Human Resources Administration (HRA) has undergone a policy change allowing them to issue CBIC’s (Common Benefit Identification Cards) without gender markers on them. CBIC’s are commonly used to access services like (TANF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, and […]
Show your love: Give SRLP $5 NOW through May 21st
As a collective member of SRLP and a gender non-conforming working class person, I urge you to donate to SRLP now through Give OUT Day (May 21st) to resource the work of providing free, respectful and affirming legal services, building movement power, and struggling and living beautifully to realize a vision of trans liberation rooted […]
SRLP’s legal team breaks down what the new Medicaid regulations mean
Many people – ourselves included – have expressed confusion, irritation, and disappointment at the lack of substantive change in the rules that govern Medicaid coverage for low-income trans people following our 10-year struggle to end the blanket ban on trans healthcare. Mik Kinkead and I, two of SRLP’s legal advocates, have gone through the regulation […]
NO ONE IS DISPOSABLE: Stop NY from limiting visits with people in prison!
Advocates have been rallying against NYC Mayor de Blasio’s proposed changes to visiting conditions on Riker’s Island. While incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, their loved ones, and advocates have been able to push for many important changes at Riker’s, these new changes almost “snuck in” amidst the better news. These proposed regulations aim to reduce violence […]
Today 4/22: SRLP at #HALTSolitaryConfinement advocacy day in Albany, NY
Today, April 22, SRLP’s Prisoner Justice Project Director Mik Kinkead and Outreach Director Juana Peralta are in Albany at the #HALTSolitaryConfinement Advocacy Day with NY Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement advocating to end the use of solitary confinement and other forms of extreme isolation in NY prison and jails. Over 3,800 people are in […]
SRLP’s Sasha Alexander at Policing Post-Ferguson Conference at Yale University
Sasha Alexander, SRLP Director of Membership, speaks on “Community and Police Relationships” during the Yale Law School Justice Collaboratory “Policing Post-Ferguson” Conference in New Haven on April 16, 2105. Sasha shared some of the history of LGBT folks and police violence, the ways our communities are criminalized, and specific cases like the Jersey 4, Juan […]
SRLP legal clinic closed until June 11
SRLP’s drop-in legal clinic will be closed until Thursday 6/11. To make an appointment or ask about our legal services, you can call SRLP’s legal intake line at 212-337-8550 ext. 308 and someone will return your call within 48 hours. For more information, visit: http://srlp.org/legal-services/ If you are interested in getting involved in SRLP’s work and becoming a member, […]

SRLP’s new Prisoner Justice Project Director, Mik Kinkead
It is an honor and a privilege to say hello to you as SRLP’s new Prisoner Justice Project Director. Since I first became involved in 2008, working with SRLP collective members, staff, and clients has helped me deepen my understanding that liberation is a process powerfully led by members of our community who are most […]
SRLP Drop-In Legal Clinic Closed on Thursday 3/26
SRLP’s drop-in legal clinic will be closed on Thursday 3/26. We will reopen the following Thursday 4/2. To make an appointment or ask about our legal services, you can call SRLP’s legal intake line at 212-337-8550 ext. 308 and someone will return your call within 48 hours. For more information, visit: http://srlp.org/legal-services/ If you are interested in getting involved in […]