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Building Movement Power at the #LawStrikesBack Rally

Last week on the 17th of February, I, as a member of the Movement Building Team of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, along with members of legal agencies, activists, and social service communities, gathered to resist President Donald Trump and his racist policies at the #F17 Law Strikes Back rally in Foley Square. Along with […]

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How to Take Care of Yourself as a TGNCI Immigrant

For English, please see below. Estimada comunidad, Quiero reconocer cómo difícil que ha sido esta semana, cómo difícil que han sido las semanas para usted. Quiero reconocer cuánto ha estado lastimando las noticias, cómo el miedo, la duda y la confusion que han afectado su sentido de pertenencia en los Estados Unidos como un inmigrante. […]

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Tell the American Bar Association to End Its Attack on Disabled People

    In the past month, the American Bar Association’s Section of Litigation announced a “roundtable” on the Americans with Disabilities Act that would focus on so-called “drive-by ADA lawsuits.” The American Bar Association is one of the largest membership organizations for lawyers in the United States and claims to be committed to “defending liberty, […]

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Resourcing Our Communities is Resistance

The Sylvia Rivera Law Project is committed to growing the ability of trans, gender non-conforming, and intersex community members who are people of color and low-income to advocate for themselves and better navigate state systems that are designed to marginalize and divide us. To assist our folks and their allies, we are pleased to release […]

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