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Archive | SRLP News

Support SRLP’s work to ensure medicaid healthcare coverage for transgender new yorkers !

The regulation that excludes transition related healthcare from coverage in New York is up for re-authorization. SRLP is working hard to make sure that it is repealed so that all trans medicaid consumers in New York can access the healthcare coverage that they need. Please join us by signing this letter and sending it to […]

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Sylvia Rivera Law Project Year End Greetings!

For 10 years, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) has been working to make gender self-determination a reality for all people. We are grateful for all the clients, community members, activists, artists, donors and volunteers like YOU who continue to enrich and sustain this organization. As 2012 draws to a close, we invite you to help make another ten […]

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Jueves: De rememoración a acción

El equipo del desarrollo de movimiento del Proyecto Legal Sylvia Rivera presenta: De rememoración a acción, transformando nuestro miedo, dolor, y luto en acción colectiva para cambio social Cuando: Jueves, 29 de noviembre, 6:30 a 8:30 pm Donde: Proyecto Legal Sylvia Rivera, 147 W. 24th St., quinto piso Edificio tiene ascensor Trenes: C/F/M/R/1 Queremos terminar […]

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From Remembrance to Action, Thursday Evening at SRLP!

This Thursday SRLP’s Movement Building team presents: From Remembrance to Action: Turning Our Fear, Pain & Mourning into Collective Actions for Social Change.  A community discussion.  We want to end the violence and oppression experienced by our communities. How do we work towards a day when violence against trans and gender nonconforming people is no longer a […]

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