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What Would Be Possible?

Thank you for supporting the Sylvia Rivera Law Project’s crucial work! We provide exceptional, holistic legal services, and we develop leaders—trans people of color and low-income trans people—with tools to lead our movements for social change. We root our work for trans liberation in the deep practices of racial & economic justice.

Through Groundswell's Catalyst Fund, our grassroots fundraising power is MATCHED up to $40K. Grassroots fundraising is at the heart of our belief that liberation is a collective process, and we are deeply grateful for you!

Hear from staff & members sharing stories of our Prisoner Advisory Committee, supporting the leadership of more than 170 TGNCI people incarcerated in NY state and elsewhere across the country:

Hear from staff & members sharing stories of our Survival & Self-Determination Project, reducing barriers specific to transgender communities, such as gender-affirming identification and access to sex-segregated programs or benefits:

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