SRLP’s drop-in legal clinic will be closed on Thursday 3/26. We will reopen the following Thursday 4/2. To make an appointment or ask about our legal services, you can call SRLP’s legal intake line at 212-337-8550 ext. 308 and someone will return your call within 48 hours. For more information, visit: If you are interested in getting involved in […]
Tag Archives | drop-in
THIS THURSDAY 10/2: SRLP’s Last Drop-In Until February 2015
If you are a transgender or gender nonconforming person and you need legal services, come to SRLP this Thursday, October 2 for the last drop-in of the year. SRLP’s drop-in hours will be closed from October 6, 2014 – February 2, 2015. Drop-in will re-open February 5, 2015. If you need legal services, but cannot […]
TODAY: SRLP Legal Services Drop-In Hours CLOSED 8/21/14
SRLP will not be having drop-in hours on Thursday, August 21st. We apologize for the inconvenience! Drop-in hours will be begin again next Thursday, August 28th. Our office is located at 147 WEST 24TH STREET, 5TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10011. Walk-ins are welcome, but please call ahead if you can! Call 212-337-8550, extension 308. About […]
SRLP Drop-In Closed Tomorrow (June 5)
SRLP’s drop-in hours are cancelled for Thursday, June 5 (tomorrow). Our next open drop-in hours will be Thursday, June 12 from 1-5 with Spanish interpretation from 3-5. See you then! Our office is located at 147 WEST 24TH STREET, 5TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10011. Walk-ins are welcome, but please call ahead if you can! […]
TOMORROW: SRLP Office and Drop-In Hours Are Closed for May Day
Tomorrow, May 1, the SRLP office and our Thursday Drop-In hours will be closed for May Day. Drop-in will resume its normal schedule on Thursday, May 8. For more about SRLP’s free legal services and how to get legal help, visit We hope that you, wherever you live, will join SRLP in solidarity with immigrants, […]

It’s Drop-In Day at SRLP!
Today is drop-in day at SRLP! Come in for a free intake meeting (more information on our services below) and spend some time with SRLP’s wonderful collective member and Front Desk Angel, Alysan McCann! SRLP has free drop-in clinics EVERY THURSDAY from 1-5 PM where you can meet with one of our staff attorneys (Elana […]