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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

SRLP’s Pooja Gehi on the Criminal-Immigration System on Out-FM

The rapidly expanding collaboration between police and immigration authorities has a devastating impact on low-income queer and transgender immigrant communities. Federal programs such as “Secure Communities” (S-Comm) and the Criminal Alien Program, which effectively bring immigration authorities into every precinct and jail, have greatly increased the risk of deportation. Because of profiling, criminalization and stereotyping, […]

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TODAY 5/1/14: SRLP Office and Drop-In Hours Are Closed for May Day

Tomorrow, May 1, the SRLP office and our Thursday Drop-In hours will be closed for May Day. Drop-in will resume its normal schedule on Thursday, May 8. For more about SRLP’s free legal services and how to get legal help, visit Join SRLP in solidarity with immigrants, undocumented people, people in detention, people of color, and […]

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TODAY: SRLP Supports the LGBTQ #Not1More Deportation Action in DC

SRLP Supports LGBTQ Day at the #not1more Deportation Hunger Strike on Tuesday, April 29th in Washington DC! If you’re in DC or close by join the for President Obama to stop the deportations and provide immediate administrative relief! More information from Southerners On New Ground (SONG): As many of you know the #not1more Deportation campaign’s White House […]

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SRLP and Our Allies Meet with NYC Mayor’s Office to End HRA Discrimination

Last week, Pooja Gehi, Elana Redfield, and transgender advocates met with the Mayor’s office to address anti-trans discrimination in the Human Resources Administration (HRA). (Photo by Kim Forte of the Legal Aid Society.) HRA oversees public benefits including public health insurance, food benefits, employment assistance, and cash assitance. When accessing services and basic needs, transgender […]

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Learn about the gay gang that supports its members behind bars

  How does someone survive in a “male” prison when their mannerisms and identity differ from the hyper-masculine norm? One incarcerated member of SRLP gives us the scoop on a supportive “gang” that keeps watch over the safety of its members, who each identify outside of their prison’s macho majority.   Warning: The following letter […]

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It’s Drop-In Day at SRLP!

Today is drop-in day at SRLP! Come in for a free intake meeting (more information on our services below) and spend some time with SRLP’s wonderful collective member and Front Desk Angel, Alysan McCann!   SRLP has free drop-in clinics EVERY THURSDAY from 1-5 PM where you can meet with one of our staff attorneys (Elana […]

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SRLP Congratulates Chelsea Manning on Her Name Change!

Today, a judge in Kansas granted Chelsea Manning’s name change! Congratulations, Chelsea! We are inspired by Chelsea and other incarcerated community members who are standing up to militarism and state violence and working to make our lives more possible. You can read Chelsea’s statement here: Read SRLP Prisoner Advisory Committee members letters in support of Chelsea: Do […]

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