We are still basking in the glow of Small Works for Big Change. Click here to view all of the beautiful photos by Tinker Coalescing. Together, we surpassed our fundraising goal raising over $25,000! Thank you to all of the artists, host committee members, volunteers, and sponsors who helped make this such a successful night. It […]
Archive | Events

Register today for Small Works for Big Change and I’ll see you Saturday!
On Saturday, I’ll be joining Tiq Milan as a co-host of SRLP’s 9th Annual Small Works for Big Change, an art benefit featuring the work of members of SRLP’s Prisoner Advisory Committee. If you haven’t already, please register to attend the free event on Saturday and make a donation if you can! Visit http://srlp.org/bigchange As […]
Check out SRLP’s Superheroes at Small Works for Big Change!
Check out SRLP’s superheros in Rainbow Comics! Robert Cepeda, SRLP Prisoner Advisory Committee member, submitted this original drawing to Small Works for Big Change. View more art works at http://srlp.org/bigchange Register to attend & sign up to volunteer athttp://srlp.org/bigchange & share!

Register today! Small Works for Big Change is two weeks away!
This is one of SRLP’s favorite times of year. Our office is buzzing with volunteers and artists, and the space is filling up with art for Small Works for Big Change! Have you registered to attend yet? Register now at http://srlp.org/bigchange to attend the event on Saturday, March 8. Last week, Janet Mock, Cece McDonald, and Rai’vyn […]
Janet Mock, CeCe McDonald and Rai’vyn Cross visit SRLP!
Today SRLP got a special visit from New Y0rk Times bestselling author Janet Mock, and activists CeCe McDonald and Rai’vyn Cross! It was the first time that Janet had ever met CeCe or Rai’vyn and our office was filled with their amazingness and power. Janet donated Redefining Realness to the Small Works For Big Change […]

Calling all Artists: Submit your work to Small Works for Big Change!
Artists, dreamers, co-conspirators, submit your art to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project’s 9th annual Small Works for Big Change! Small Works for Big Change is an art auction and benefit that raises money to support SRLP’s crucial work to provide free legal services and build movement power with trans and gender nonconforming low-income and people […]

Volunteer with SRLP to plan Small Works for Big Change!
SRLP is looking for event coordination volunteers for our annual art benefit, Small Works for Big Change. Volunteers should have 3-10 hours available per week now through March 8, 2014. Tasks needed include: Coordinating art submissions Promoting the event Day-of event coordiantion (set up, coat check, bartending, wrapping art, etc.) Volunteers should have access to […]
Trans Day of Remembrance #TDOR at The Miss Major-Jay Toole Building for Social Justice
Join Transjustice and the The Miss Major – Jay Toole Building for Social Justice as we come together to create a space for healing, grieving, and celebrating the resiliency of our Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color communities Wednesday, November 20th, in honor of Trans Day of Remembrance. This year we will have an art space, […]
SRLP director of immigrant justice Pooja Gehi presenting at ‘Echoes of Ghadar’ Conference!
Organized by South Asia Solidarity Initiative (SASI), the Echoes of Ghadar convergence aims to revive the often forgotten history of the Ghadar movement, through: a celebration of music, films, and conversations among grassroots activists from South Asia and the U.S.. These activities will provide grassroots activists with a unique opportunity to learn from the history of […]