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NY Times Calls Out Gov. Cuomo for Taking Too Long to End Transphobia

Yesterday, the NY Times Editorial Board called out New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and other lawmakers for taking too long to pass GENDA, the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, which would ensure basic protections for transgender New Yorkers. GENDA would also open the door to and support SRLP’s crucial work to end Medicaid’s exclusion of transgender healthcare. States like Connecticut […]

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SRLP Direct Action Featured on Democracy Now!

Watch this Democracy Now! segment on SRLP’s direct action at Hx Refactored! Listen as SRLP’s Reina Gossett speaks powerfully to the new Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and a crowd of health industry techies to demand an end to NY State’s Medicaid regulation that bars transgender people from accessing basic healthcare. Keep tweeting, signing the petition, and […]

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May 15: SRLP’s Direct Action to Demand an End to Medicaid Ban on Transgender Healthcare

This morning, members of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project participated in a direct action at HX Refactored, a health care conference in New York City, attended by the new NY State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker. We went to stop business as usual at the Department of Health. 16 years of transgender exclusion from medically […]

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