We did it! Together, we raised $6,378 for trans liberation, prison abolition, and safe, affordable, and accessible healthcare for all! From the nearly 200 people who donated to the countless others who helped us spread the word by sending out emails, posting on Facebook, and tweeting calls for support, we couldn’t have done this without you! THANK […]
Tag Archives | fundraising
SRLP Direct Action Featured on Democracy Now!
Watch this Democracy Now! segment on SRLP’s direct action at Hx Refactored! Listen as SRLP’s Reina Gossett speaks powerfully to the new Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and a crowd of health industry techies to demand an end to NY State’s Medicaid regulation that bars transgender people from accessing basic healthcare. Keep tweeting, signing the petition, and […]
Today is Give OUT Day! Give Love and Donate to SRLP!
I hope you’ll join me in making a donation to SRLP today, on Give OUT Day! But first, I have a confession for you. You may know it by now, but I’m ready to tell the whole world… I have a HUGE crush on SRLP! I first learned about SRLP when I purchased a copy of […]
Join ALP, FIERCE, SAS, and SRLP for #GiveOUTDay Happy Hour on May 15!
SRLP is excited to partner with our comrades in the Miss Major-Jay Toole Building for Social Justice, the Audre Lorde Project, FIERCE, and Streetwise and Safe, to host a Give OUT Day happy hour on May 15! When: Thursday, May 15, 7 PM – 10 PM Where: Franks Lounge, 660 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11217 […]
Brazen Saddles: Riding Across the Country for SRLP!
We are Erin Hansen, Nora Hirozawa, Jesse Montgomery & Max Rivlin-Nadler, and we are taking a real long bike trip! Why are we doing this? Many reasons! To have fun, be together, see new parts of the country, meet new people, experience the outdoors, use our bodies in an empowering way…the list goes on. We each have slightly different motivations […]

Want to learn about raising money for our movement? Intern at SRLP this summer!
THE SYLVIA RIVERA LAW PROJECT IS SEEKING DEVELOPMENT INTERNS FOR THE FUNDRAISING AND FINANCE TEAM! Development interns and volunteers at SRLP work primarily with the Fundraising and Finance team. Projects include working on our grassroots fundraising campaign in the areas of fundraising house parties and events, benefit concerts, and our major donor project; and working […]
The Revolutionary Etiquette of Crowdfunding: An Interview with Ezra Berkley Nepon and Annie Danger!
What do you think about the recent explosion in crowdfunding tools? Tons of individuals and communities — from organizations like SRLP, to community art projects, to individuals in need of emergency healthcare in the context of a dismantled public infrastructure and almost nonexistent social safety net – are using crowdfunding tools to resource their work […]