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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

How does solitary confinement affect prisoners? Read Dee Dee’s letter and call to action

Dee Dee’s sixty-to-life prison sentence has taken an agonizing toll on her well-being, and subjected her to violence both emotional and physical at the hands of the prison industrial complex. As a jailhouse lawyer, she struggles to engage in effective work due to the limitations of her solitary confinement, which not only prevents her from […]

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Trans Healthcare Now

SRLP Fall 2014 Newsletter!

Transgender Healthcare is Good for New York! SRLP demands transition-related healthcare coverage for low-income New Yorkers On June 19, SRLP, the Legal Aid Society, and Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP filed a federal class action lawsuit against the NY State Department of Health to overturn the Medicaid regulation barring transition-related healthcare on the grounds that […]

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Healthcare at Bushwick Pride

SRLP is Hiring a Director of Membership!

After four years of incredible work as the Director of Membership, Reina Gossett will be leaving the organization. Reina’s vision and work at SRLP has been instrumental in helping us achieve our mission, and it is with deep gratitude and sadness that we say goodbye to her. Although these are big shoes to fill,we are […]

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Juana and Rage

Welcome to SRLP, Rage & Juana!

This fall is a time of exciting transitions here at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.This month, Rage Kidvai and Juana Paola Peralta joined the SRLP staff, bringing their deep commitment and vibrant energy to our work providing free legal services and building movement power with low-income transgender people and transgender people of color. Please join me […]

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Welcome to SRLP, Emma Caterine!

Please join SRLP in welcoming Emma Caterine, who will be working with Alisha Williams on the Prisoner Justice Project this fall! Name, Pronouns, Position and Team at SRLP Emma Caterine, she/her/hers, Consultant, Prisoner Justice Project What do you do to relax / have fun? I read and write science fiction: I just finished Ancillary Justice, the first of […]

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Thank You, SRLP Summer 2014 Interns and Volunteers!

Thanks to our summer interns, SRLP is looking back on a big summer of campaign actions, membership orientations, team meetings, client casework, new and improved activist and educational resources, letters to incarcerated community members, and so much more. Thank you all for committing your time, energy, and heart to the survival, wellness, and self-determination of transgender and […]

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Sisterhood is more than siblinghood, for Prisoner Advisory Committee Member Synthia

Unable to support her sister in person, Synthia sends her love and encouragement from behind bars, through this prayer. “A Prayer,” by Ms. Synthia China Blast Dedicated to Rebecca Oshun-Leti Morales. I do not believe that the accident of birth makes people sisters. It makes them siblings. Gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood are conditions […]

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SRLP’s Elana Redfield and Alisha Williams Train NYC HRA!

Today SRLP’s Elana Redfield and Alisha Williams provided a successful training to NYC Human Resources Administration directors! HRA staff left feeling inspired to continue these trainings with their coworkers and invite SRLP back for a 2.0 training next spring. This trans 101 training covered general cultural competency issues; pervasive cultural messages that reinforce gender norms and sensationalize trans […]

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