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New PREA Rules for the NYC Jails Fail to Provide Trans Women with Meaningful Housing

Last week, the Board of Correction, the body that oversees the Department of Correction and ensures compliance with the minimum standards, unanimously voted in new rules to govern and prevent instances of sexual violence in the NYC jails. This rule goes beyond the federal rules for the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and are, in […]

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“A Women’s Prison in Chelsea Will Be Transformed”: An SRLP Member Speaks on the Construction of the Women’s Building

SRLP Member Marcie speaks to the Village Voice on her powerful journey to return to the former Bayview Correctional Facility, where she was previously incarcerated, and assist in the project to transform the space into a safe, welcoming community center for all women. Read more about this here.

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SRLP Speaks to Village Voice on How New Board of Corrections Rules Fail to Protect TGNCI People in NYC Jails

Member Xena Grandichelli and Prisoner Justice Project Director Mik Kinkead speak to the Village Voice about the prevalence of sexual violence against incarcerated trans people, the closure of the Tran Housing Unit, and how the NYC Board of Corrections is failing to protect incarcerated TGNCI individuals. Read more about this here.

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FDA Delays of Estrogen Negatively Impact Trans People of Color

Since mid-July, the trans community has gone without proper estrogen injections. We were abruptly told that after November 2016 there will no longer be injectable estrogen available until further notice. It is no secret that many transgender women are still getting medicated through underground hormones. Before 2015, insurances were not required by law to cover […]

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SRLP Relaunches Updated ID and Name Change Guides!

  The Sylvia Rivera Law Project stands in solidarity with everyone moving quickly to get a name change and update their state and federal identification documents before the pending presidential administration change. To aid in our community’s self-advocacy during these difficult times, SRLP has updated our NYC Name Change Guide and our ID Replacement Guide for […]

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