Dear Community, It’s been an exciting year for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project! Our Prisoner Advisory Committee, made up of transgender people in prison, collaborated with SRLP staff and volunteers to launch Blogging from the Inside: Writings by Transgender People in Prison. In collaboration with partner organizations, we also launched a public education, media, and […]
Tag Archives | incarceration
SRLP Demands #JusticeForJane Because No One Is Disposable!
(This post is cross-posted from Reina’s blog Today marks the 51st day that Jane Doe, a 16 year old trans girl of color, has been incarcerated in an adult prison in Connecticut even though she has not been convicted of any crime and has no criminal charges against her. She has spent most of […]
Read SRLP collective member Katherine Cross on trans women, prison, and the limits of tolerance
Read Katherine Cross’s most recent piece on Feministing on Monica Jones, Jane Doe, and the prison industrial complex. From “I Hear Them Breathing: Trans women, prison, and the limits of tolerance:” 2014 has been a decidedly double edged-sword of a year for trans women thus far. “Awareness,” that maddeningly vague but precious resource, has rained upon us […]
Groundbreaking Report Co-Authored by SRLP Collective Member Dean Spade and Streetwise and Safe Coordinator Andrea Richie
Check out this groundbreaking report, A Roadmap for Change: Federal Policy Recommendations for Addressing the Criminalization of LGBT People and People with HIV, co-authored by Catherine Hanssens, Aisha-Moodie Millis, Andrea Ritchie, Dean Spade and Urvashi Vaid, with input from more than 50 legal, advocacy and grassroots organizations working on LGBT and criminal justice policy. This report […]
SRLP’s Pooja Gehi on the Criminal-Immigration System on Out-FM
The rapidly expanding collaboration between police and immigration authorities has a devastating impact on low-income queer and transgender immigrant communities. Federal programs such as “Secure Communities” (S-Comm) and the Criminal Alien Program, which effectively bring immigration authorities into every precinct and jail, have greatly increased the risk of deportation. Because of profiling, criminalization and stereotyping, […]
TODAY IN NYC: SRLP in Solidarity with Justice for Jane
Join the rally to show your solidarity with a trans youth of color who is currently being held in solitary confinement in an adult prison in Connecticut. As Cece McDonald reminded us on Monday night, there’s no safe prison for trans people because prisons aren’t safe for anyone. But as long as our community members are incarcerated, […]

Join SRLP Staff and Collective Members This Weekend in LA and Western Mass!
On Friday, April 11 from 2-3:15 PM, Alisha Williams, Director of the Prisoner Justice Project at SRLP, will be speaking at UCLA’s Williams Institute at their conference, LGBTQ Youth and the State. If you’re in LA, join Alisha to talk about the disproportionate policing and incarceration of LGBTQ youth. Alisha will also discuss some of the […]