SRLP’s drop-in legal clinic will be closed until Thursday 6/11. To make an appointment or ask about our legal services, you can call SRLP’s legal intake line at 212-337-8550 ext. 308 and someone will return your call within 48 hours. For more information, visit: If you are interested in getting involved in SRLP’s work and becoming a member, […]
Tag Archives | transgender

SRLP’s new Prisoner Justice Project Director, Mik Kinkead
It is an honor and a privilege to say hello to you as SRLP’s new Prisoner Justice Project Director. Since I first became involved in 2008, working with SRLP collective members, staff, and clients has helped me deepen my understanding that liberation is a process powerfully led by members of our community who are most […]
Resisting violence with everyday abolition
Dear Community, I can barely bring myself to keep writing and editing this letter because our people keep being murdered. Friday night in New Orleans, we lost another community member, Penny Proud. We’ve already lost 6 trans women of color to violence in 2015. Michelle Vash Payne was murdered in Los Angeles, Ty Underwood in […]
SRLP Celebrates Community-Led Orgs on Our NYC Birth Certificate Victory
After more than 10 years of advocacy from community-led organizations, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has finally removed the requirement of surgery for changing the gender marker on a birth certificate. This is a huge victory. Since we opened our doors in 2002, SRLP has worked to remove this requirement. […]
Welcoming Sasha Alexander, SRLP Director of Membership, to carry forward a legacy of transformative justice and liberation.
In the week following the Trans Day of Remembrance, the National Week of Trans Awareness, and the National Day of Trans Action, I am honored to join the staff of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. And yet, my heart is heavy with the many folks we lost this year: Gizzy Fowler, Tiffany Edwards, Mia Henderson, […]
Take a Two Minute Action for Trans Lives!
Trans people born in New York City still can’t update our birth certificates to reflect our gender without undergoing invasive and often inaccessible surgeries. Without this change to our ID documents, trans people can face serious obstacles in accessing employment, housing, and basic services. Having documentation that doesn’t match our gender can often trigger bias, harassment, discrimination, or […]
Meet SRLP legal intern, Kyle!
Name, Position and Team at SRLP: Kyle Rapiñan, Legal Intern for Immigrant Justice and Survival and Self-Determination! Pronouns: He/his and they/them What do you do to relax / have fun? I enjoy supporting the work that SRLP and other rad organizations pull off in New York City. The Miss Major-Jay Toole Building for Social Justice houses some of […]
SRLP Commends New York City Council on Proposed Birth Certificate Policy
Since the Sylvia Rivera Law Project opened our doors in 2002, we have been at the forefront of the battle to make birth certificate changes more accessible to transgender people. Since 1970, New York City and State’s rules for a person changing their gender on their birth certificate had been very restrictive, requiring extensive evidence of invasive […]
THIS THURSDAY 10/2: SRLP’s Last Drop-In Until February 2015
If you are a transgender or gender nonconforming person and you need legal services, come to SRLP this Thursday, October 2 for the last drop-in of the year. SRLP’s drop-in hours will be closed from October 6, 2014 – February 2, 2015. Drop-in will re-open February 5, 2015. If you need legal services, but cannot […]
Welcome to SRLP, Emma Caterine!
Please join SRLP in welcoming Emma Caterine, who will be working with Alisha Williams on the Prisoner Justice Project this fall! Name, Pronouns, Position and Team at SRLP Emma Caterine, she/her/hers, Consultant, Prisoner Justice Project What do you do to relax / have fun? I read and write science fiction: I just finished Ancillary Justice, the first of […]