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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

SRLP Drop-In Closed Tomorrow (June 5)

SRLP’s drop-in hours are cancelled for Thursday, June 5 (tomorrow). Our next open drop-in hours will be Thursday, June 12 from 1-5 with Spanish interpretation from 3-5. See you then! Our office is located at 147 WEST 24TH STREET, 5TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10011. Walk-ins are welcome, but please call ahead if you can! […]

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Check Out the 2013 SRLP Annual Report!

Dear Community, It’s been an exciting year for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project! Our Prisoner Advisory Committee, made up of transgender people in prison, collaborated with SRLP staff and volunteers to launch Blogging from the Inside: Writings by Transgender People in Prison. In collaboration with partner organizations, we also launched a public education, media, and […]

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NY Times Calls Out Gov. Cuomo for Taking Too Long to End Transphobia

Yesterday, the NY Times Editorial Board called out New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and other lawmakers for taking too long to pass GENDA, the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, which would ensure basic protections for transgender New Yorkers. GENDA would also open the door to and support SRLP’s crucial work to end Medicaid’s exclusion of transgender healthcare. States like Connecticut […]

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