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SRLP Attends Roundtable Discussion about Homeless LGBTQ Youth in NYC

Kyle Rapiñan, the Director of Survival and Self-Determination, and legal interns, Milo Inglehart and Heather McLinn, attended the recent HRA roundtable discussion and are pleased to report back on the progress that the Human Resources Administration (HRA) is making to address our community’s needs! The Human Resources Administration and Department of Homeless Services Improve Transfers […]

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Tell New York You Support Access to Healthcare!

Last December, a federal judge in Texas blocked protections under the Affordable Care Act from going into effect. The rule would have extended anti-discrimination protections, prohibiting private insurance plans and healthcare entities from discrimination against transgender people and their healthcare needs and abortion-related services. In response to the tireless activists and organizers demanding the protections […]

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SRLP’s Mik Kinkead Talks About Name Changes in Prisons

In Truthout, SRLP’s Director of Prisoner Justice Project Mik Kinkead talks about the difficult processes and expenses involved in name changes for our trans and gender non-conforming clients who are behind bars.     Mik Kinkead, SRLP’s staff attorney and director of its Prisoner Justice Project, is currently working with 30 people on name changes. The […]

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Updates from SRLP’s Movement Building Team

The Movement Building Team (MBT) at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project has been busy the last few months working to advocate for the rights of trans, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGNCI) people! In April, we were part of organizing and facilitating the Manhattan Trans Forum, along with lots of amazing community partners. This trans-led organizing […]

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Housing Recommendations from the Manhattan Trans Forum

On April 27, 2017, trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) community members, partners, and allies came together at GMHC to address the needs of the TGNC community. Among the many disparities faced by TGNC people, housing has always been a system that our community has struggled with. Broken systems and non-acceptance from our own people and […]

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Call for art submissions!

Art submission is closed as of 9/3. Due to the limited size of our venue, we could not take additional art pieces if you have not submitted an artwork by the deadline. Stay in tune for next year’s Small Works for Big Change!   ***Art submission form is due on Sunday, September 3rd, 2017 – see […]

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SRLP’s Kyle Rapiñan Comments on Nevada’s New Name Change Bill

In Vocativ, SRLP’s Director of Survival and Self-Determination Kyle Rapiñan comments on Nevada’s new name change bill, which does not not force trans people to publicize their legal name changes in a newspaper. Advocates, such as Kyle Rapiñan, director of the Survival and Self-Determination Project with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project in New York, hoped that the […]

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