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Author Archive | Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Solitary confinement, “a cruel and unusual punishment that benefits no one…nothing about it rehabilitates…”

Dee Dee Webber survives in an isolated cell  for at least 23 hours every day, without human interaction. She is a trans woman in a prison for men, and she has been in solitary confinement for the past 4 years. Webber’s discussion of her experiences in Involuntary Protective Custody helps to illustrate some of the […]

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SRLP Demands an End to Punitive Solitary Confinement!

Trans people in prison are often placed in punitive isolation, where they face additional psychological, physical, and sexual violence. SRLP is building a campaign to end the use of punitive solitary confinement. Read this article from Solitary Watch News by Aviva Stahl with comments from SRLP’s Alisha Williams and SRLP collective member Mik Kinkead. Stay tuned for […]

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SRLP’s Pooja Gehi Says Goodbye For Now!

Dear Friends,  Comrades, and Community, On Friday, August 15, after 8 incredible years together, I will be taking off my hat as the Director of Immigrant Justice at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. It has been an honor to work with you, struggle with you, and learn with you in our movement for the liberation […]

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Meet Natalia Shevin, SRLP Summer Intern!

Learn some fun facts about one of our summer interns! To apply for an SRLP internship visit:   Name, Pronouns, Position and Team at SRLP Natalia, They, Fundraising & Finance Intern What do you do to relax? Read Elephant and Piggie books  – an amazing children’s series that can make me laugh more than […]

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Interested in fundraising and communications at SRLP? Wanna learn more?

The Fundraising and Finance Team at SRLP is accepting applications for volunteers and interns for fall 2014! To apply: Please send a resume and cover letter to or by mail to FFT Intern Hiring Sylvia Rivera Law Project 147 W. 24th St., 5th Fl. New York, NY 10011 Interns will develop and build skills in the following areas: […]

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A lovestory from “one of the darkest corners of this world”

Very rarely have I read “spark of life,” “amazing,” or “captivating” used by trans and gender non-conforming people–or anyone for that matter–to describe their experiences in prison. It is good to hear about finding love, and  “sparks of life” behind bars. In this letter, Lexy, an incarcerated trans woman in Midstate Correctional Facility, describes some of […]

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The Brazen Saddles pedaled 4,000 miles and raised $8,000 for SRLP!

Last month, our bikers finished their cross country journey and wrapped up their fundraising. Here’s their update and a final thank you! Thank you to the Brazen Saddles for your incredible contribution to our collective work! We were very pleased to finish the trip in Oceanside, CA on June 21–the summer solstice, three-month anniversary of […]

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