Watch this Democracy Now! segment on SRLP’s direct action at Hx Refactored! Listen as SRLP’s Reina Gossett speaks powerfully to the new Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and a crowd of health industry techies to demand an end to NY State’s Medicaid regulation that bars transgender people from accessing basic healthcare. Keep tweeting, signing the petition, and […]
Archive | Events
Today is Give OUT Day! Give Love and Donate to SRLP!
I hope you’ll join me in making a donation to SRLP today, on Give OUT Day! But first, I have a confession for you. You may know it by now, but I’m ready to tell the whole world… I have a HUGE crush on SRLP! I first learned about SRLP when I purchased a copy of […]
PHOTOS: May Day 2014
SRLP marched with our comrades at FIERCE!, Audre Lorde Project, Streetwise and Safe, and Queer Detainee Empowerment Project to demand an end to criminalization and stop deportations on May Day! View more photos on our Facebook page!
TONIGHT: SRLP’s Reina Gossett and Dean Spade with Cece McDonald
Check out this interview with SRLP’s Reina Gossett and join her tonight with Dean Spade and Cece McDonald! Read “NO ONE IS DISPOSABLE: Artist and activist Reina Gossett talks CeCe McDonald, trans liberation, and prison abolition” by Chris Lee at Tonight “I Use My Love to Guide Me”: Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Impossible Situations A […]
SRLP Celebrates Philly Activists’ Work to Stop Deportations and End Criminalization
Today in Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter signed an executive order that limits cooperation between the Philadelphia Police Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The law prevents Philadelphia police from being able to detain immigrants for transfer to federal facilities without a court warrant. Congratulations to the Philadelphia Family Unity Network (PFUN), a coalition of immigrants, activists, and […]
Jueves 4/17: Orientación para miembros nuevos seguido por un taller “Conoce Tus Derechos”!
¿Lo sabías? El N.Y.P.D. le envia huellas digitales al Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas. Significa que comunidades de inmigrantes, que ya son vulnerables a vigilancia policial, ahora son aún más susceptibles a estar puestos en autos de deportación. Aprendemos junt@s para resistir junt@s! Aprende tus derechos para proteger tus familias, tus comunidades, y […]
Join SRLP on April 17 to Demand Liberation Not Deportation!
On April 5, you marched and chanted with communities across the U.S. in a mass mobilization to end deportations. Our work to protect and build power with trans and gender nonconforming immigrants and our broader communities continues, and we need you to keep it going. On Thursday, April 17, we will have a New Member […]

Join SRLP Staff and Collective Members This Weekend in LA and Western Mass!
On Friday, April 11 from 2-3:15 PM, Alisha Williams, Director of the Prisoner Justice Project at SRLP, will be speaking at UCLA’s Williams Institute at their conference, LGBTQ Youth and the State. If you’re in LA, join Alisha to talk about the disproportionate policing and incarceration of LGBTQ youth. Alisha will also discuss some of the […]
A Glimpse of SRLP’s Collective Process
SRLP staff attorneys Elana Redfield, Alisha Williams, and Pooja Gehi getting it done at their weekly co-supervision meeting. Want to learn more about SRLP and a collective process at work? Come to our new member orientation followed by a Know Your Rights workshop on immigration next Thursday, April 17. Click here and register online to attend. 6 […]
Thursday, April 17: New Member Orientation and Know Your Rights Workshop on Immigration at SRLP!
If you’re curious to learn more about SRLP’s work and how you can get involved, join us for a new member orientation followed by a Know Your Rights workshop on Immigration on Thursday, April 17. Click here and register online to attend. 6 PM – 6:30 PM – New Member Orientation 7 PM – 8:30 PM […]