Today SRLP’s Elana Redfield and Alisha Williams provided a successful training to NYC Human Resources Administration directors! HRA staff left feeling inspired to continue these trainings with their coworkers and invite SRLP back for a 2.0 training next spring. This trans 101 training covered general cultural competency issues; pervasive cultural messages that reinforce gender norms and sensationalize trans […]
Tag Archives | alisha williams
SRLP Demands an End to Punitive Solitary Confinement!
Trans people in prison are often placed in punitive isolation, where they face additional psychological, physical, and sexual violence. SRLP is building a campaign to end the use of punitive solitary confinement. Read this article from Solitary Watch News by Aviva Stahl with comments from SRLP’s Alisha Williams and SRLP collective member Mik Kinkead. Stay tuned for […]

SRLP’s Alisha Williams on HuffPost Live: Trauma-Informed Care and Safety-Based Responses for Transgender People in Prison
Alisha Williams on Huffington Post Live discusses the current situation for Jane Doe, a transgender teenage girl of color, who was recently transferred from a treatment facility back to solitary confinement at a boys’ prison facility. She urges people to join community organizing efforts to ensure Jane Doe receives gender-affirming and trauma-informed care. Alisha also discusses […]
Build and Learn with SRLP at the Philly Trans Health Conference 2014!
Madness Mapping with Gabriel Arkles, SRLP Collective Member, and Ofelia del Corazón Thursday, June 12, 4:05-5:25, Room 107A This workshop is primarily by and for members of trans* and queer communities who consider themselves mad, psychiatric survivors, mental health consumers, people with psychiatric disabilities, or people who experience extreme states. In it, we will share ways […]
We Raised Over $6,000 for SRLP from People Like You!
We did it! Together, we raised $6,378 for trans liberation, prison abolition, and safe, affordable, and accessible healthcare for all! From the nearly 200 people who donated to the countless others who helped us spread the word by sending out emails, posting on Facebook, and tweeting calls for support, we couldn’t have done this without you! THANK […]
SRLP Congratulates Chelsea Manning on Her Name Change!
Today, a judge in Kansas granted Chelsea Manning’s name change! Congratulations, Chelsea! We are inspired by Chelsea and other incarcerated community members who are standing up to militarism and state violence and working to make our lives more possible. You can read Chelsea’s statement here: Read SRLP Prisoner Advisory Committee members letters in support of Chelsea: Do […]
Now Filming at SRLP: Alisha Williams and Laverne Cox in “FREE CeCe: A Documentary”
After an incredible talk with CeCe McDonald, Reina Gossett, and Dean Spade last night, SRLP’s Alisha Williams and Laverne Cox are doing an interview for “FREE CeCe: A Documentary.” Alisha and Laverne will discuss the dangerous and violent realities that trans people, particularly trans women of color, face in prison. Alisha and Laverne will also […]

Join SRLP Staff and Collective Members This Weekend in LA and Western Mass!
On Friday, April 11 from 2-3:15 PM, Alisha Williams, Director of the Prisoner Justice Project at SRLP, will be speaking at UCLA’s Williams Institute at their conference, LGBTQ Youth and the State. If you’re in LA, join Alisha to talk about the disproportionate policing and incarceration of LGBTQ youth. Alisha will also discuss some of the […]
A Glimpse of SRLP’s Collective Process
SRLP staff attorneys Elana Redfield, Alisha Williams, and Pooja Gehi getting it done at their weekly co-supervision meeting. Want to learn more about SRLP and a collective process at work? Come to our new member orientation followed by a Know Your Rights workshop on immigration next Thursday, April 17. Click here and register online to attend. 6 […]
Watch Alisha Williams, CeCe McDonald and Laverne Cox on Democracy Now!
This morning SRLP’s Director of Prisoner Justice Alisha Williams joined CeCe McDonald, and Laverne Cox on Democracy Now! to talk about CeCe’s case and the work our communities are doing to end criminalization and create trans liberation! Watch below!